
M1 - Key Contributions 


Both Tommy and Edmund were important and were responsible for the concept of the game. Tommy participated with designing a control scheme for the game, this was important in the long run for making the game fluid to use and was instrumental in the concept phase. Edmund on the other hand was responsible for the design and creation of the concept art and story of the game. This, however was a larger contribution to the concept phase than Tommy, however without either of them in this phase of production, the game would have not been as complete as it was. 

The pre-production is where both Tommy and Edmund were able to contribute equally, with them both contributing to the level design which would be instrumental in the games success with  it being key to the difficulty curve of the game. Edmund started to create the assets that would be used and Tommy started to create the engine that the game would use. The engine was important as it was able to make the game adapt to their need, instead of making the game adapt around the engines limits.


During the production phase this is where Tommy was most important in this phase as this is where he began the production of the game programming and bug fixing, as well as making it run well, which would be important to the fluidity of the game as a whole. Edmund on the other hand was mainly play testing and improving the levels making sure the difficulty curve was not too hard. Tommy was more instrumental in this phase of production but it would not have been possible without the tweaking and designing of the levels by Edmund.


during post production Tommy started to make changes and improvements to the game whereas Edmund started to act as a sort of ambassador for the game appearing and doing interviews and creating comics to be included with the physical bundle, Tommy on the other hand was still changing and adding to the game, like adding a level editor which improved the game's shelf life so people were able to buy the game in stores for much longer and people were able to make their own content give the game more play time.


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